Zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2018
Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans


Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans

Discover. Use. Protect.

Exploring our seas and oceans together

The United Kingdom was partnering Germany in Science Year 2016*17

Please find here the pictures of the "Elbschwimmstaffel".


British and German researchers have been exploring the seas and oceans together for over 200 years. The United Kingdom was Germany's partner country in Science Year 2016*17. How are marine researchers from both countries working together today? What are their objectives? What are their shared interests? This website provided an opportunity to find out more about British-German cooperation in ocean sciences, caught up on current news and read expert articles.

Have you met Peter Plastics ?


Science Year „Seas and Oceans“: Discover. Use. Protect.

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The Partnership

Germany and the UK are linked by their successful cooperations.

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Expert Portraits

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Fields of action

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Expert Review

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