Silhouetten von zwei Kindern und einer erwachsenen Person, die eine Flaschenpost verschicken vor einem Sternenhimmel

Message into the universe

Is there any life in space beyond Earth?

People have been wondering about alien lifeforms for many years. Driven by this curiosity, the first message was sent into space as early as 1974 with the "Arecibo message" – response still pending. Scientists in SETI research (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) are working on finding answers to the question of extraterrestrial life. They have already made various attempts to reach potential life in the universe. But what does interstellar contact actually look like? How are messages sent into space? And how do researchers figure out in which zones of other star systems extraterrestrial life is even possible? Five prominent experiments provide information about previous attempts and research results.

However, researchers are not only listening attentively into space: astronauts are exploring further and further into the unknown. They invent new technologies and solution to overcome obstacles, that can make our lives on Earth more sustainable as well. And that is what the campaign “From Space to Life” by the initiative Research in Germany is all about! Learn more at: From Space to Life - Research in Germany (

  • 1974: The Arecibo-Messages

    In the early 1970s, researchers at the famous Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico had a brilliant idea: They wanted to prove that we are not alone by sending a message into space - a message that could potentially be received by extraterrestrial civilisations.

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  • 1977 - today: The Voyager space probes

    The Voyager probes are two unique spacecrafts sent into space by NASA in 1977.

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  • 1999 - 2020: SETI@home

    SETI@home refers to a participatory project in which people from all over the world could take part in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence - simply by turning on their home computer.

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  • 2001: The Teen Age Message (TAM)

    The Teen Age Message (TAM) was a series of interstellar radio transmissions sent by the Evpatoria Planetary Radar (EPR) to six Sun-like stars from August to September 2001.

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  • 2013: The Lone Signal

    Lone Signal was a crowd-funded SETI project aiming to send interstellar messages from Earth to a possible alien civilisation.

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Here we needed your creativity!

The "Arecibo message" contained information about the most important chemical elements for life on Earth and about our DNA. The data disks of the Voyager space probes from 1977 contain greetings in 55 languages and music by Louis Armstrong or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

What would you tell unknown life forms about humanity? What message would you like to send into space? Together with Research in Germany, we were interested in your ideas for messages into space.

Your messages

  • Dear Universe, what would we do without you? Where would we send our wishes and hope that they would come true? Without you, everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
  • Hallo da oben, ich weiß zwar nicht ob es da oben Leben gibt , aber ich glaube es.
  • Ich hoffe ich schaffe es einmal in das Universum zu reisen
  • Fühlt ihr Euch auch alleine?
  • >zusammen<>leben<>friedlich<
  • Kommt uns besuchen😘
  • Wo seid ihr?
  • Ich wünsche mir friedliche Wesen im All, die uns Menschen diesbezüglich gerne viel beibringen.
  • Möge der Fortschritt zum Wohle der Menschen sein.
  • 🥰🥰🥰Ich wünsche euch allen Frieden und viel Freude, und viel spass 🥰🥰
  • Komm auf den Planeten Erde 😎🥸😍😇
  • An die intelligenten Lebensformen des Alls, wir die Menschen eine biologische Spezies leben im Jahr 2023 seit circa 13.000 Jahren auf dem Planeten welchen wir Erde nennen in der Milchstraße unserer Galaxy. Im Jahr dieser Nachricht befinden wir uns im sogenannten Informationszeitalter, haben mit einer Globalen Klimaerwärmung, dem Artensterben Kriegen und sozialen Problemen zu kämpfen. Trotz dessen sind Menschen , so wir uns nennen, eine soziale und Friedliche Spezies.