Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 - Die Digitale Gesellschaft

Alle Veranstaltungen

Fr, 10.10.2014 | 9 - 18 Uhr

Internet Governance. Actors, Technology, Content.

Das Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft veranstaltet in Kooperation mit der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin die zweitägige Konferenz «Internet Governance. Actors, Technology, Content.» vom 9. – 10. Oktober in Berlin. Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch. 

Vorschaubild zur Veranstaltung

The question of how to globally coordinate Internet Governance is one of the most pressing issues within the field of Internet & society. Only recently, the NETmundial conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil dealt with nothing less than the future of Internet Governance. The Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society would like to continue contributing to this debate by shedding light on Internet governance in the scope of a thematically focused meeting on Internet Governance to take place in Berlin on 9 – 10 October 2014. The event, which is being hosted in co-operation with the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, will convene a diverse group of collaborators from a broad range of disciplines working on Internet and society issues in Germany, Europe, and internationally.

With this event, we aim to further research and exchange of ideas around the field of Internet governance. The sessions will, among other things, aim to evaluate the performance of the multi-stakeholder approach, especially with respect to questions of legitimacy, and the problem of »black-box delegation” as an aspect of translation problems between stakeholders and disciplines. Furthermore, we will seek to understand the implications of private control of information and control of user-generated content.

The registration for the scientific symposium on 10 October 2014 will include a small contribution to the costs (regular ticket 30€, student ticket 10€). The panel discussion on 9 October 2014 and the side event ‘Early Stage Researcher Colloquium’ are free 

Auf einen Blick

Wo: Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Hauptgebäude Humboldt Universität Berlin
Wann: Fr, 10.10.2014 | 9 - 18 Uhr
iCal speichern
Kontakt: Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft
Larissa Wunderlich
Telefon: 030 2093 3490
Behinderten- gerecht: Keine Angaben
Kategorie: Fachveranstaltungen 
Für wen: Erwachsene 
Sonstiges: The registration for the scientific symposium on 10 October 2014 will include a small contribution to the costs (regular ticket 30€, student ticket 10€). The panel discussion on 9 October 2014 and the side event ‘Early Stage Researcher Colloquium’ are fre 
Mehr Info: Zur Website

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